The Light
Bonnie Kate Pardoe

All was darkness and time was non-existent. In the distance, a pin prick of light became barely noticeable. The lumens increased, permeating the darkness. It was the glancing light of a warm afternoon on the Arabian Sea.

The silence spoke: "You have accepted your lot in life. You have never killed in anger. You have been a loyal friend. Come, Screed... step into the light."


The blackness was as deep as a starless night sky. A ray of bright, effervescent light began to gently filter down from above. It was the clear light of a new spring day.

The silence spoke: "Your life was unhappy, but you did not throw it away. You have never taken death lightly. Come, Urs... step into the light."


The darkness was everything. Slowly, from everywhere and nowhere, a glow filled the void. It was the hazy light of a lazy, late afternoon.

The silence spoke: "You have never refused someone help. You have defended those causes you thought just. You have cherished life. Come, Vachon... step into the light."


A deep shadow covered all. In the distance, a light began to glow and spread. It was the golden light of an Indian Summer's day.

The silence spoke: "You have helped those in need. You have served your fellow man. You put the safety of other's above your own. Come, Tracy... step into the light."


The void was large but close. The soft light of an early spring morning surrounded, penetrated, and banished the nothingness.

The silence spoke: "You have been brave and loyal. You have given yourself to help others. You risked your life to save another's soul. Come, Natalie... step into the light."


The nothingness was all encompassing. It was cold and vast. Suddenly the bright light of a breath-taking sunrise illuminated the expanse. It was like no other sunrise remembered. The glory of it was immense.

But then the light began to flicker and fade until the blackness was again all encompassing.

The silence spoke: "Bad, Nicky... no biscuit."

The End